Primacy in the Church, Volume 2
PRIMACY IN THE CHURCH is a careful and critical selection of historical and theological essays, canonical and liturgical articles, as well as contemporary and contextual reflections on what is arguably the most significant and sensitive issue in both inter-Orthodox debate and inter-Christian dialogue namely, the authority of the primate and the role of councils in the thought and tradition of the Church.
Volume One examines the development and application of a theology of primacy and synodality through the centuries. Volume Two explores how such a theology can inform contemporary ecclesiology and reconcile current practices. Chryssavgis draws together original contributions from prominent scholars today, complemented by formative selections from theologians in the recent past, as well as relevant ecumenical documents.
Foreword, Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware] of Diokleia
Introduction, John Chryssavgis
The Meaning and Exercise of Primacies of Honor in the Early Church,
Brian E. Daley,SJ
The Apostolic Tradition: Historical and Theological Principles, John Chryssavgis
St Irenaeus of Lyons and the Church of Rome, John Behr
Primacy, Collegiality, and the People of God,
Metropolitan Kallistos [Ware] of Diokleia
Mark of Ephesus, the Council of Florence, and the Roman Papacy,
Christiaan Kappes
The Ethical Reality of Councils: An Anglican Perspective, Paul Valliere
Primacy and the Holy Trinity: Ecclesiology and Theology in Dialogue,
John Panteleimon Manoussakis
A Liturgical Theology of Primacy in Orthodoxy, Nicholas Denysenko
Primacy and Eucharist: Recent Catholic Perspectives, Paul McPartlan
Primacy in Orthodox Theology: Past and Present,
Metropolitan Maximos [Vgenopoulos] of Selyvria
Primacy in the Thought of John [Zizioulas], Metropolitan of Pergamon,
Aristotle Papanikolaou
Primacy in the Thought of Stylianos [Harkianakis],Archbishop of Australia,
Philip Kariatlis
Primacy, Ecclesiology, and Nationalism, Metropolitan John [Zizioulas] of Pergamon
Primacy and Synodality: An Essay Review of Contemporary Theological Literature, Nikolaos Asproulis
The Petrine Office: An Orthodox Commentary, Paul Evdokimov
The Idea of Primacy in Orthodox Ecclesiology, Alexander Schmemann
The Primacy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate:Developments since the Nineteenth Century,
Metropolitan Maximos [Christopoulos] of Sardis
The Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Twentieth Century, John Meyendorff
Ecclesial Communion, Conciliarity, and Authority:The Ravenna Document
Position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the Problem of Primacy in the Universal Church